Monday, July 7, 2008

A busy weekend.

It was my grandfather S's 80th birthday party this weekend. Poor grandpa was so tired he basically slept right through his whole party. It was a big day for him. Here is my dad joking a bit before we left. He told him he wouldn't have been so tired if he hadn't of hit the beer so hard. Grandpa laughed and said he'd get him back :) .

Here is my dad and my three girls. They think it is really special to see grandpa S. and Glenda.
"Happy Birthday to Jenny". Wow it was in 4 part harmony. (not really) Russell made the brownie cake just for me. I said to Russell "Russell it was so special that you made my birthday cake. I'm sure you thought of me every second didn't you?" His reply was something like, "Actually I only thought of eating it!" Little brat- BUT he is an honest brat.

Here I am blowing out my candles.

After all of the festivities Russell lit some of his smoke bombs and sparklers.

Everyone also topped the night off with another dip in the pool. The babies especially liked this dip. They were going NUTS.

I tried to put two more pictures on and once again I am having trouble I will try again later. They were pictures from my Grandpa S's 80th birthday!

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