Friday, June 27, 2008

Lots of "stuff"

Look. Georgia made the paper!

Josie got her tap shoes out today and put on a show! Look at those feet tapping away. We have a DVD that she is watching that teaches basic tapping skills (that is what she is watching).

Aren't these pictures fitting for graduation season. The kids and I were out playing yesterday afternoon and heard quite a raucous in a tree nearby so we went to investigate what was going on. I spotted this empty nest and soon realized that I would find some noisy fledglings close by.

Here is one of them...

...and here is the other. I couldn't get a good look at mom to figure out exactly what kind they were but they were the size of a ping pong ball and didn't look like it was possible that something so little could be ready to fly. Sooooo cute.

1 comment:

  1. That is a very nice picture in the paper Georgia. Its great that you helped other people in need. You have a big heart and that a great quality to have. Josie- I'd like to see you tap someday. Maybe you can join the Country Cloggers.
