Friday, June 6, 2008

Georgia's first softball game.

Here is the team as cute as can be. You can see Georgia all smiles second from left. The parents were beaming and so proud with the anticipation of the first pitches and hits! Little did they know!!!!!

And here she is. The lead off batter. (They are supposed to be able to make contact right.) Her mom and dad were so excited because she has come so far from the start of practices. She can really rip a ball to the outfield now and we felt a rush of pride as she went up to the plate. First pitch way to high.... but she swung. Second a foul tip, third....... she struck out. Now Georgia you must have forgotten that your dad is a P.E. teacher and your mom is pretty athletic as well. I mean how embarassing.

I'M JUST KIDDING!! She turned things around. She had a nice crack to second base.... ONLY TO GET CALLED OUT AT FIRST! I mean by the time she got to first I had read the entire first Act of Hamlet. Come on turn on the jets Georgia. ;)

Look at the girl ready at second. She looks like a pro.

You made us proud Georgia. We look forward to game 2 tomorrow!

I'm not sure who won. Most said it was a tie but somehow I think they were just told that to make them feel better!!

Man I'm mean.


  1. Go Georgia GO!!! You looked great out there honey!! wish we could be there to see one of your games! :) I tried to upload some pictures of Christian pitching at his game but for some reason it does not want to work for me tonight... :( I will try again real soon. Have fun at your game tomorrow!!!
    Jenny and fam
    ps Jenny glad you like your flowers.. they look gorgeous. A lot better than mine do, they are full of weeds!!

  2. Before the season is over, Georgia will be an ALL STAR!!!! She's got what it takes. XXXXX
