Friday, May 2, 2008

in the grass

Em was a little leery of the grass at first. She warmed up to it though. It was nice to have that warm weather a week ago. What a change to this past week.
By the way-just to spread my cheer. I finished my Bachelor's today!!! I am in the process of applying for graduate studies to become certified to teach Elementary ed. I AM SOOOOOO RELIEVED AND EXCITED TO BE THIS CLOSE!!!


  1. Congratulations!!! What an awesome accomplishment!

  2. Great job. I am so proud of you and I am sure you will be a great teacher.

  3. Congratulations!!! We are very proud of you!!! It's a lot of hard work, especially with your family. Love, love. XXXXX

  4. Congratulations Jenny!
    How do you juggle all of that? I remember when I was doing my master's degree and working full time and I was exhausted all the time. There were people who had children in my classes and I just never knew how they did it!

    Keep up the good work---and you're going to make a GREAT teacher!!! :)

    Miss Kerry and little one
