Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What's the best part of making brownies? NOT eating them after they are cooked according to Josie.

I thought I would let her "lick" the bowl this time too and I found her here after 15 minutes making sure she didn't leave a crumb!

I forgot to add this photo of Georgia abandoning her crutch ice skating the other day. Both girls shed the walker after a while. I wish you all could have seen the scene. Just picture Bambi on ice and you get the picture. SOOO comical to see their little feet scrambling to get a grip.


  1. Josie makes that batter look awfully yummy!!!

  2. Great looking skaters!!! We used to skate in our "younger years."

    Maybe Josie [and Georgie] could make some brownies and bring then to Grandma and Grandpa H's house to share with us when you come to visit us really soon; it sure looked like they were going to taste delicious..... XX
