Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A mid-winter nature walk!

We unbelievably were able to take a nature walk today. 60 degrees in January!? Believe me I'm not complaining. The hike started out by Josie gravitating toward this large puddle in the yard.

We traveled to a corner of the meadow out back where there is a patch of evergreen trees. We found lots of rabbit and deer tracks amongst the trees and figured it must be a comfortable place for them to find shelter. While we were there we saw a rabbit scamper away. Josie thought this was the perfect picture spot.

Along our hike we spotted this beautiful tree with arms outstretched. We figured because it was so beautiful and so seasoned it must be a a"Grandpa tree".

One of the fun things we did was take a peek at all of the waterways around our house. This is by a little bridge that Dad and the girls (Russell and Ben maybe too) built for me to cross the horses over to another pasture. You can see the water beside Josie flowing down the hill quite quickly. We have NEVER seen the water flow in January!

There is another (sort of) waterfall behind Emmy here. I couldn't quite get it in the picture without fearing I might lose her over the edge. You can spot a portion of it. Emeline LOVED it outside. We can't wait for Sping!!!

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