Friday, January 11, 2008

How big is the baby?

It seems Emmy is learning more and more at a very rapid pace. Her latest trick is "How big is the baby?". Her first attempts looked like this - with one hand behind the head. She has gotten the hang of it now though!

I am going to use this platform to speak about something that concerns me. If you haven't heard already, Governor Eliot Spitzer has submitted legislation Bill #16 (S.5829) called the "Reproductive Health and Privacy Protection" act. This bill seeks to:

1- prevent informed consent of mothers considering an abortion
2- disallow parental consent
3- Disallow current protection for viable infants (premature births, at an stage where the baby could live, if given help) by allowing a doctor to unilaterally decide not to use life-sustaining equipment to save the child's life
4- Force Catholic hospitals and institutions to provide abortions and contraception
5- Not allow doctors, nurses, other healthcare professionals to refuse to provide
abortion or contraception on the grounds of their conscience

Senator Joseph Bruno
Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247

The above information and further information can be found here:

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Emmy! Its funny how they seem to learn new things all at once. Have a great weekend!
    P.S. Lets pray that that bill doesn't go anywhere!
