Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ten Commandment craft

We did a Ten Commandment craft today.
First we took a piece of white paper, ripped the edges and
wrinkled it into a tight ball.
Then I made some coffee and let it get cold.
I unwrinkled the paper and placed it on a cookie sheet then poured the cold coffee over it and let it set for 5 minutes.
When the 5 minutes were up Josie dried it off.
The result was a really old looking piece of paper!
On the paper we wrote a kid friendly version of the Ten Commandments.
Jo admiring her work.

It came out really neat.

"Holy Spirit, open my mind to the
larger story of God's perfect plan.
Teach me to ponder all things in my
heart and to see the Father's hand in
every situation."

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