Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Concert

Georgia had her Christmas concert tonight. We enjoyed it immensely. We were very proud of her!!

I wanted to experiment with their hair. I am a very humble person
-but dang I did good!!

Georgia and a couple of her friends. No, they didn't call each other to
coordinate what they were wearing!

Here is our girl walking in!

Just a cute picture of 2 of my precious girls. The other was fast asleep!

Day 3 of Advent
Jesus, transform me through
your holy word. I give you my heart,
my mind, my ears, and my eyes. I
will try my best to obey you today, so
that I can receive your kingdom and
know its joys.



  1. The girls looked beautiful, and I don't doubt Georgia did a wonderful job! I wish we could have made it...

  2. Beautiful Girls:
    We know that Georgia did a wonderful performance at her Christmas concert. We have spent many, many, many, Christmas concerts with Georgia's Grandma G. and Grandma's G's brothers and sisters. Happy memories!

  3. Georgia, great job and you both look absolutely beautiful.
