Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Game night.

It was game night at our house. We recently picked up a boxed game set with 8 different games in it. The games have provided us with some fun ever
since the sun changed its bedtime. (You can also see that I was trying to do some homework while they were occupied.)

Emmy really really wanted to play or maybe just destroy the
game that her sisters were so intently playing.

After the game the girls got their dominoes out. Dad found the action
riveting as you can see!

Then the construction moved to the floor.

After this Dad entertained us all to a night of "Karaoke with Brad". It is
quite comical believe me. He loves to sing "Billy's Got His Beer Goggles On"
Not sure if you are familiar with that one. Oh yeah "Do You Want Fries With That" is another of his favorites!

"Go Daddy Go" It's too bad he can't carry a tune :)


  1. Looks like you had a great time!!
    (Could Mom get schoolwork done?)

    I love your pictures!

  2. Your pictures are great. I'm sure Matt's going to enjoy looking at them later. Is Brad going public any time soon? We'd love to see a show! ;)

  3. The next time your family is at our home, Grandpa wants "Karaoke with Brad" to perform for us. We knew he was a very talented man, but was not aware of his musical abilities.
