Monday, October 29, 2007

My Josie

This is my Josie. She is a Daddy's girl. She loves to work with Dad whether it be on the car, fixing fence, cleaning up after horses you name it she is ready to don her boots and go out to help. Josie is also a more rough and tumble girl even though she is very soft spoken. It is very deceiving!

Josie has turned into a very mature girl lately. The responsiblity of having a little sister suits her just fine. There was no jealousy here. Her hobbies are more on the imaginative side. She likes to play with her little people and 'sees' people in everything. For example not too long ago she had me cut out about 6 pictures of soda bottles from a grocery ad and played with them as a mom dad and kids. She also has named all of my lotion bottles after people and plays with them too. (Should I be concerned about this?! :) ) Another hobby of hers is to color and draw. She could do it all day.

She tells everyone that she is home schooled because we play school every day. She has discovered a new found love of reading which I didn't think at first she would. I can tell she admires her big sister but tends to walk/dance to her own drummer. I love you Jo for your silly ways and thank you for being such a great bud all day long. Oh yeah she is notorious for carrying around a red blanket which she calls "her reddy". We have weaned her off of it for the most part but she still loves the darn thing!

1 comment:

  1. Another little niece we are so proud of! We love you Josie!
