Just a few snapshots from out Advent and Christmas 2011 season.

We made a Jesse tree this year. The kids looked forward to the story and ornament each day. A lot of work but it was fun.

I'm not sure why Margie looked like a pickle puss but I made the little ones flannel gowns for Christmas Eve. Now they can really be Carrie and Grace from Little House on the Prairie!

Margie asked for "
Scooby Dooby". No matter who asked her what she wanted she replied "
Scooby Dooby" so Santa found her a
Scooby Doo matching game.

Emmy opened her gift from St. Nick and she was looking at the back of the box all confused. After a few seconds I told her to flip the box over and well this is the reaction....

...warms my heart! Now her and Margie have a band.

The big girls with their gift from Santa. Big girl dolls. They have been asking for American Girl dolls. I refuse to buy them! I put it in Santa's hands and he got them some really nice Heart
for Heart dolls. They have barely put them down.

A visit with "The Greats". We HAVE to do that more often!