Trekking up the walkway to the castle. The girls got dressed up for this occasion!
Amiya said "I think I'm going to die of excitement!"

There it is!!!!

The reception room. I couldn't believe the work that has been done there since I was there many years ago!!! Outstanding!!!

The billiards room.

The central solid marble and oak staircase! Wow!

Dining Hall.


The Staircase. They were feeling special.

The huge stained glass dome.

Boldt's room.

Boldt's room


Daughter's room . The girls wanted to move right in.

The daughter's reception room!

One of the many outdoor spaces that the castle offers. I loved that aspect of the plans. "Imagine playing hide-and-go seek!" (the girls)

Where the doves and poultry were kept.

Porch. Talk about gorgeous.

Margie feeling very pretty.

The pool.

The power house.


Kids playhouse. He outdid himself. Unfortunately it is under construction but it is something to look forward to next time!!!

Formal entrance from the St. Lawrence River!
We LOVED this visit. The girls thought they were in paradise! I loved seeing their faces. If you don't know the tragic story of the Boldts check it out. It is quite amazing. The last time I was there to tour the castle NOTHING was done. It was full of graffiti and ruins. The whole first floor and part of the second are done. It was nice to see renovators there while we were exploring rooms. It made me think that in another 10 years when we visit again so much more will be done. Special thanks to our friends the Henry's for making this adventure possible. Thank you thank you thank you so much! xoxo