We tackled an "Our Lady of Sorrows" craft. I dug through our scrap fabric and found some nice leftover red and brainstormed an idea about
making a heart pillow. So we did!! Georgia and Josie stitched around the edge for us. I didn't get a picture of Josie. I needed all my hands to help her out.
Geesh, those
Ingall's girls are stitching and sewing things all the time. My girls need to hit the thimbles and needles!

Emmy asked a hundred times if it was "time to fuzz it". I had told her stuffing it was her job. Another funny thing she said about 10 minutes later was, (totally not on subject here I know but it's cute).... Well I"ll set the stage. We were supposed to have company over for a
Spanish lesson. (A friend of mine from high school and her three children whom are
homeschooled) Well, they called and said that they weren't going to be able to make it because they were sick with colds. I was telling the kids this to their despair and a little later Emmy said "My
Spanish friends can't come over because they have snot." Yep that is exactly why Emeline!
Ok back to the subject. Here is our "Our Lady of Sorrows" pillow. I had some sparkly sticker paper that I made 7 swords out of to represent Mary's seven sorrows. (yes I know the swords look sort of like fish ??) I dug up as many rosettes to sew on to wrap our heart pillow with roses. Mary's heart is often depicted as being wrapped with roses. All in all I think it is beautiful and will be a visual reminder of our Blessed Mother.