I thought I would take a day this week and devote it to one child so that you can 'get to know them better'.
Georgia is my bookworm. She is a natural born leader but is ok following as well. She is very sentimental and looks out for her little sisters. Her hobbies are drawing, reading, writing, horses, and singing. (Sounds like my list!) Right now she says she wants to be a "check out girl" or a "babysitter" when she grows up. I should add that she likes to dance and create plays/dances with Josie. At least twice a week she will have Josie in the back room conjuring up some wonderful entertainment for Brad and I.
She is great at school. The teachers tell me that all the kids cling to her. As a mom I have really been interested in growing a good person -and she knows that I am more proud of her if she is a good girl than if she gets a 100% on her spelling test each week. I was very pleased when her teacher recently said to me "Georgia has made a friend that hasn't really ever had a good friend - can she stay after to play with her?" She has done many things to make me proud in this regard. Keep being you Georgia!