Wednesday, December 14, 2011

St. Lucy celebration

Well I woke up and made cinnamon buns and prepared to make a St. Lucy crown yesterday in honor of St. Lucy's feast day. We didn't have a white dress handy so after I took the kids Christmas photos I snapped one of Emmy, our St. Lucy for the day. The cinnamon buns ended up being a nice incentive to get the kids to sit still. I'm still at a loss in explaining how I could have taken over 100 photos and still not have been 100% happy with even 1 of them!!!! xoxo

Friday, December 9, 2011

Immaculate Conception coloring page

Thanks to Catholic Icing

the girls had a great coloring picture to help celebrate the Immaculate Conception.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Josie's 8th birthday

Here she is when she woke up Dec. 2nd 2011!!
The night before as her gift she got her ears pierced!

She wanted a dolphin cake. Can you see her in her floaty swimming out to see them? :)

"happy birthday to you..."

"happy birthday to Josie...."

"happy birthday to you."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Saint Nicholas cross stitch

Josie gave me this Saint Nicholas cross stitch last year for Christmas. I finished it just in time!

Saint Nicholas Day

He came, he came, he really really came! Saint Nicholas paid a visit last night and brought the girls pads of paper and a pen! Just what they love!!!
Margie is a little nervous that hers is falling out of her boot. They didn't waste any time. Before breakfast they were drawing! Happy Saint Nicholas day!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Decorating the Tree 2011

Josie put in the first decoration this year. She looks proud!
Georgia can't quite reach the top yet. She is a little string bean though.

Margie having fun. Never a dull moment with Margie around.

Just right Margie!

Emmy made sure everything was hung just right! She was very careful.

Nice job Margie.

Daddy doing the honors of putting up the star. Come on Dad it really shouldn't take this lllooooonnnnnnggggggggg. :)

Beautiful job girls.

Have a merry merry Christmas season! xoxo