Wednesday, May 25, 2011

East Ridge Rapids

Well I couldn't get another video up here so instead, here are all the pictures.
Margie liked it a lot.

Georgia was worried of course!!

Emeline went after Georgia and she kept saying "Georgia is a baby" as Georgia was smiling but saying things like "Stay with me Dad" etc.

When Emmy got in and got going all she did was WHINE!!!

Mommy even took a turn.

Can you see how wet my seat and legs got? I seemed to have a little more weight than the girls and the water lapped over the edge of the tube as I bounced along resulting in me sitting in a few inches of water the whole time! Can't wait for the next rainfall now!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Russell's baseball

It's that time of year again! At least the calendar says so. Mother Nature has not been too cooperative though. Here is Russell ready for a fly ball.
On deck.

He made it to third and then my camera died. Oh well. I think the inning was over before he made it home on this one. He did have a beautiful catch in right field! Way to go Russell!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Emmy's birthday(s)

There is my Emmy with her "4 fingers"!
She's listening to us sing.

Still listening!

Still listening. I just love her sweetness.

This was Margie while we were singing.

She just couldn't wait any longer!

She asked and asked for a flashlight!

Friday we had the family over for a party. This was the first time we have EVER been able to be outside for a birthday party! We need a summer baby!

THEN, on Sunday Grandma Gifford came over because she missed her party Friday because Russell had a baseball game.

Russell picked this gift out.

You roll die, match a hamburger color with the color on the die, feed the pig and make it chew by pressing down it's head. There is a number on the bottom of each hamburger which tells you how many times to press the pig's head down. Each time you press it's head down, the belly expands like a balloon. At some point the belt bursts, it's arms go up and that means you are "out". Emmy played it all afternoon!

Love you Emeline!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Josie's First Communion!

All dressed and ready to go!

Can't forget it's Mother's Day!

Josie got to crown The Blessed Mary also.

Bringing up the gifts.

The kids got called up to the altar! What a treat that was!!

The moment!

Josie and Father LaBaff.

isn't that sweet?

The girls. Actually this was it. No boys this year.

Mary please pray for my girl.

She looks proud.

The Grotto is so gorgeous I took a 100 pictures out there. Bare with me! ;)

Then, off to Grandma's to meet up with Ava!

We were told by a lady at church that we must get an "old fashioned picture with the veil over the head". So here it is.
Beautiful Ava.

May God bless them both immensely!