Tuesday, April 29, 2008

gang at the playground

The whole gang joined up at the playground recently. I think the little ones enjoyed the gravel over the swings in the long run but here is a great action shot. It's nice hanging out with you Stacy and Jessie (and Ava, and Brendan and Elsie)!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My poor Josie!

My poor Josie was watched recently by her loving Grandmother G.(mother of 8 I must add) and look what I found when I picked her up! She fell right down the stairs. Luckily she wasn't too smart to begin with or we may have been in real trouble. Mom I think it is a wonder that 6 kids have made it through your care. You have 2 at home-please WATCH THEM MORE CLOSELY!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bullhead Fishing...yuck!

We had the opportunity to see Mom, Rick, and Russell go bullhead fishing over break. Yuck! They were really busy landing their 40 something fish. Josie got a turn pulling one out and everyone kept Rick busy unhooking the buggers. I should have gotten a shot of that!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Playground fun!

Over spring break we took a trip to the playground then had a picnic lunch by the river. All in all it was a gorgeous day. I think we had nicer weather here at home than those that headed to Myrtle Beach!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

At Dad's practice

Dad's coaching baseball again. He had practice a couple of times this week and we took advantage of being able to go.

We were waiting in the van for Dad to finish up and I gave Em his cell phone to play with. She usually just chews on it but she put it right to her ear and mumbled something that sounded somewhat like "hi".

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

just a couple pics

Cute little Em.

Georgia is signed up to play softball this Spring. Last week we went out to practice.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Family Members!

I couldn't resist. We added three ducklings to our family this year. Right now their names are Dandelion, Daffodil and Daisy. They make us laugh you should see them- and hear us!

Here they are outside of their box for the first time. They especially love to swim in our tub. Pictures of that coming soon!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

A Blessed Day!

Baby Brendan was baptized Saturday. I thought I would share a few pictures. This is a mobile that the girls and I made for him.

This banner that Georgia made is worth sharing with everyone!

The girls looking on.

Brendan made sure he paid close attention.

Here is a wet head!

His Godmother Jessie held his garment of white.

His Godfather Matt, held his candle.

Stacy even fed the little guy a taste of his cake!

I made Brendan a little boys rosary. He will be the coolest kid praying with his rosary that turned out to look like camouflage.

Friday, April 4, 2008